Your 7-Point Retirement Plan Checklist

Are you worried about not having enough funds for retirement? If so, you’re in good company, as two out of three Australians share the concern that they won’t possess the necessary financial means for retirement, according to research conducted by YouGov*.

Your 7-Point Retirement Plan Checklist

Securing a financially stable retirement requires more than just hope; it demands a strategic and proactive approach to planning. To aid you in this journey, we’ve crafted a tailored guide designed to steer you through the intricate process of achieving retirement readiness. Let this be your roadmap to laying the foundations for a secure financial future, ensuring you’re well-prepared to enjoy your retirement years with peace of mind.

Understanding Your Retirement Aspirations

Start by contemplating what retirement signifies for you. Whether it’s traveling, pursuing hobbies, or spending time with family, knowing your retirement goals can shape your financial planning. Surprisingly, a significant portion of working Australians lacks clarity on their retirement needs, underscoring the importance of setting tangible financial objectives.

Retirement Age: A Flexible Concept

The decision to retire should be influenced by personal health, financial stability, employment opportunities, and lifestyle preferences. Importantly, consider the age you can access superannuation and government pensions to make informed choices about your retirement timing.

Financial Planning for Your Desired Lifestyle

The cost of a comfortable retirement for couples aged around 65-84 is $71,723 annually for a comfortable lifestyle, as opposed to $46,620 for a modest one, according to The Association of Superannuation Funds of Australia^ . These estimates assume homeownership and good health, providing a benchmark for your savings plan. It’s important assessing whether these amounts will support the type of lifestyle you are hoping to achieve in retirement or if you will need more money to support your plans.

Diversifying Income Sources for Retirement

Your retirement income will likely come from a mix of superannuation, personal savings, investments, and potentially government benefits. Understanding and maximising these sources is critical for a financially secure retirement. Consolidating super accounts, considering investment properties or stocks, and being aware of eligibility for government pensions are all vital steps.

The power of compounding and leverage

Making the Most of Your Superannuation

Superannuation will form a substantial part of your retirement savings. Familiarise yourself with the options for accessing your super, such as account-based pensions or annuities, and understand the tax implications to optimise your retirement income.

Addressing Debts and Insurance Needs

Aim to enter retirement debt-free and review your insurance coverages to ensure they align with your retirement needs. Adjustments to your investment strategy may also be necessary as you transition from accumulation to preservation of wealth.

Estate Planning and Final Contributions

Consider your estate planning needs, including wills and power of attorney. Additionally, maximising your super contributions can significantly enhance your retirement savings, offering a more comfortable retirement lifestyle.

7-Point Retirement Plan

  1. Define Your Retirement Vision: Understand your aspirations and how you envision your retirement years.
  2. Decide on a Retirement Age: Consider financial readiness and personal circumstances to choose an appropriate retirement age.
  3. Assess Changes in Spending: Retirement often brings a shift in spending patterns, requiring a realistic budget for a comfortable lifestyle.
  4. Calculate Required Retirement Savings: Estimate the amount needed to fund your retirement, incorporating expected lifestyle expenses and potential travel or hobbies.
  5. Consider Additional Income Sources: Part-time work or rental income can supplement retirement savings and reduce the need for withdrawals from investments.
  6. Choose Investment Vehicles: Superannuation will be key, but other investments can also support your retirement goals.
  7. Start Saving Now: The earlier you begin saving for retirement, the more time your investments have to grow.

Take Action with United Global Capital

As you embark on your retirement planning journey, remember that you don’t have to navigate it alone. United Global Capital stands ready to assist with expert financial advisers who specialise in crafting personalised retirement strategies. Our team is committed to ensuring your retirement planning is thorough and tailored to meet your unique goals and circumstances.

Connect with United Global Capital today and take the first step towards securing your dream retirement. Our financial advisers are here to guide you through every stage of the process, ensuring that your retirement is not just a time of relaxation but also of financial security and peace of mind.



UGC General Advice Past Performance Warning

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