Industry leading news and commentary.


November 2018

The pros and cons of Family Trusts

Recent changes to superannuation rules may be giving family trusts an edge. Investors at least are increasingly exploring the family…

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Bargain Shares Hunting After A Crash – Uranium Market

Market decline or not, the world’s energy requirements mean that uranium is still a resource in demand. Nuclear reactors are…

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Keeping Calm In A Volatile Market

Fear is a survival instinct, but instinct isn’t always the wisest judge of circumstances. Smart, well-informed investors know that many…

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Is Housing Demand About To Fall Off A Cliff?

For the 27th month in a row, the Reserve Bank of Australia has decided to hold the cash rate steady…

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ELMO Software – ELO – Investment Opportunity

ELO has all the hallmarks of a big winner. A high quality product that saves customers time and money. A…

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US Midterm Elections and Future Direction of US Stock Market

Given October’s significant volatility in financial markets, and the lead-up to the November US mid-term elections, can history tell us…

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Recent stories

Understanding the Sharemarket: A Beginner’s Guide

Investing in the sharemarket can be a powerful way to grow your wealth over time. Whether you’re new to investing…

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Franked Dividends vs Unfranked Dividends

When it comes to investing in the stock market, understanding the nuances of dividend payments is crucial. One of the…

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UGC Monthly Market Update | May 2024

Join UGC’s Head of Research / Co-Portfolio Manager, Huw Davies, as he takes a deep dive into the latest financial…

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If aged care advice is confusing – get advice

Many people think they can’t afford to get aged care advice, but the reality is you probably can’t afford not…

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Mastering the Tax Game: Boost Your Wealth & Trim Your Tax

As the end of the financial year approaches, it’s the perfect time to refine your tax strategies and maximise your…

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