Industry leading news and commentary.



Rentvesting: A Strategic Approach to Property Investment

Rentvesting is an innovative property investment strategy where individuals rent a residence that suits their current lifestyle needs while owning…

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Home Equity: Unlocking the Power

Home equity is more than just a financial term; it’s a powerful resource that, when utilised wisely, can support your…

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What is Lenders Mortgage Insurance (LMI)?

When navigating the complexities of purchasing a home, understanding the various components of a mortgage can be daunting. One aspect…

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Is Negative Gearing Still Viable?

Over the past 18 months, the landscape of investment properties has been shifting due to the consistent rise in interest…

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First Home Owner Grant (FHOG) – A Basic Guide

Embarking on the journey to your first home is an adventure filled with excitement, anticipation, and a fair share of…

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Maximising Investment Property Tax Benefits

If you own an investment property or are looking to buy one, you need to understand the tax consequences, including…

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Understanding the Sharemarket: A Beginner’s Guide

Investing in the sharemarket can be a powerful way to grow your wealth over time. Whether you’re new to investing…

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Franked Dividends vs Unfranked Dividends

When it comes to investing in the stock market, understanding the nuances of dividend payments is crucial. One of the…

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UGC Monthly Market Update | May 2024

Join UGC’s Head of Research / Co-Portfolio Manager, Huw Davies, as he takes a deep dive into the latest financial…

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If aged care advice is confusing – get advice

Many people think they can’t afford to get aged care advice, but the reality is you probably can’t afford not…

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Mastering the Tax Game: Boost Your Wealth & Trim Your Tax

As the end of the financial year approaches, it’s the perfect time to refine your tax strategies and maximise your…

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