Industry leading news and commentary.


Investing for a House Deposit

In today’s economic landscape, purchasing a home is a significant milestone that requires careful financial planning and strategic saving. For…

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Property Market Moves – April 2018

Australia now has more than 10 million homes. Recent data released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics for the end…

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Foreign Investment Hurting Australian Property

Some of Australia’s largest developers are likely to exit the apartment market after changing regulations have forced sale prices down.…

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Housing Market Crash?

Melbourne and Sydney’s housing market has been prophesised by many to come crashing down, it has been claimed that the…

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Housing Prices Past Their Peak

Melbourne and Sydney are both beginning to feel the effects of the downturn in the housing market, we have now…

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Property Market Definitely Slowing

The football season is over, daylight savings has started and warmer weather is upon us.  This is traditionally when the…

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