Industry leading news and commentary.


Portfolio Rebalancing: What, Why, When?

In the realm of investment management, maintaining the intended asset allocation of your portfolio is as critical as the initial…

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Reviewing Your Investment Portfolio

At United Global Capital, we believe that the foundation of a successful investment journey is a well-maintained strategy. Regularly reviewing…

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Find Your Lost Super

It’s surprisingly easy to lose track of your superannuation. Changes in employment, address, or personal details can lead to superannuation…

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Estate Planning: Five Key Elements for Consideration

Planning for the future, especially in terms of estate planning, is a crucial step in safeguarding the legacy you wish…

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How To Build An Emergency Fund Fast

In an ever-unpredictable world, financial preparedness is more crucial than ever. Emergencies – be they medical crises, unexpected home repairs,…

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Essential Strategies for Achieving Investment Success

Understanding and achieving investment success is a highly personal journey, as the definition of success varies from one individual to…

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