Industry leading news and commentary.


Employment Stats Suggest Gillard is Gone

Employment Stats Suggest Gillard is Gone An article on Bloomberg today titled “Australia 10% Unemployment for 9.6% Dents Gillard Prosperty”  suggests…

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BUCKLE UP!! It’s a BULL Market

It’s a Powerful BULL Market And it’s only just begun!! Only two weeks ago we revisited the investment thesis for investing…

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A Rare Opportunity in US Property

Revisiting the investment thesis I first wrote about US property being a legitimate investment class in September 2012. You can review the…

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Transitioning to Retirement?

Pre-Retirement & Retirement Strategies – Part 2 Transition to Retirement Income Streams If you are approaching age 55, have attained…

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Pre-Retirement & Retirement Strategies

Pre-Retirement & Retirement Strategies – Part 1 Are you considering retirement in the next few years? Are you looking to make…

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Take profits in the stock market?

Take profits in the stock market? Is it time to take profits in the stock market? That is the big question…

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