Steps to claiming a deduction for a super contribution

You may be eligible to claim a tax deduction if you make a personal contribution to superannuation. There are some important steps you need to follow carefully and specific timeframes to meet.

What are personal deductible contributions?

A personal deductible contribution (PDC) is a voluntary contribution that you make into your super for which you can claim a tax deduction. These contributions are made with personal savings. PDCs are generally subject to contributions tax of 15%.

Caps apply which limit the total amount you’re able to contribute to super. Personal contributions count towards your non-concessional contribution (NCC) cap or concessional contribution (CC) cap depending on whether you claim a tax deduction. If you follow the steps below and claim a tax deduction on personal contributions, these amounts will instead count towards your concessional contribution (CC) cap. To find out whether you could benefit from making a personal deductible super contribution, you should speak to a financial adviser.

Step 1: Check your contribution eligibility and CC cap

Step 2: Make a personal contribution

Step 3: Lodge a Notice of Intent to claim form with your super fund

Step 4: Receive acknowledgement from the fund

Step 5: Submit your tax return

Download or print the full guide on how to claim a deduction for a super contribution BELOW.

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